PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

         Pre-menstrual syndrome is a catch all phrase describing abnormal signs and symptoms many women experience prior to the onset of menses. Women might experience some or all of the following symptoms:

    Most women experience only some of the above symptoms">

                                                                      PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

         Pre-menstrual syndrome is a catch all phrase describing abnormal signs and symptoms many women experience prior to the onset of menses. Women might experience some or all of the following symptoms:

    Most women experience only some of the above symptoms, and may not experience these symptoms every month.

    Western Science medical theory states that if no other physiological condition is present to account for any of the above symptoms, then the symptoms are assumed to be normal manifestations of hormonal fluctuations. This is a far cry from the accepted view in the Fifties and early Sixties that if a woman had any problems associated with her menstrual cycle, she was not a natural woman, i.e. she was not content with her lot in life and needed psychological counseling for her PMS. Unfortunately, while both the earlier and more recent views are not correct, the earlier view is closer to the mark. I don't mean that women can cure their PMS by becoming 1950 model housewives, but that PMS is not a normal state for women. If a woman's body is in balance, she should not experience PMS. In fact, PMS is an important symptom to the Traditional Chinese Practitioner. PMS tells us that Stagnation of Liver Qi caused by Toxins may be present. Liver Qi Stagnation can lead to constipation. Liver Qi Stagnation can exert abnormal pressure on the Spleen causing fluid balance problems such as bloating, edema, diarrhea, joint problems. Liver Qi Stagnation can lead to Liver Fire Rising which produces irritability and headaches. Liver Fire Rising can worsen into Liver Yang Rising and produce extreme anger, depression and mood swings. Liver Wind (Seizures) can occur. If Toxins in the Liver can't be cleared through the stool, skin eruptions can occur or worsen. As you can see, most of the problems associated with PMS, according to Traditional Chinese Medical Theory, actually arise from imbalances in the Liver. So the question becomes, where do these imbalances come from and how do we get the Liver back into balance?

                                                         HOW THE LIVER GETS OUT OF BALANCE

                        There are basically three ways that Liver Qi can become stagnated:

                       There are other ways that Liver Qi stagnation can occur, but I believe that the above three are the most common seen in American Women.



                                                                                           Weak Kidneys

                                                 HOW TO GET BACK INTO BALANCE AND STAY THERE

  1. Eliminate toxins as much as you can from your diet. This means decrease the amount of processed dyed, artificial, preservative food as you can. Decrease the types and amounts of unnecessary Vitamin, Mineral and supplements. In order to assist your body in eliminating the toxins you do ingest, drink plenty of Green Tea daily. This assists the Liver in detoxifying the things you ingest.
  2. Learn to deal with Stress in a positive manner. If you know you are prone to long traffic jams, adjust your routes, play motivational tapes in your car, practice breathing exercise, anything so you don't sit and stew. If you have a job or relationship that is stressful, consider your alternatives. Exercise in a manner that doesn't provoke pain or excessive tiredness can also help counter stress in our life. Yoga, Tai Chi, QI Gong, Martial Arts, swimming, etc are forms of exercises that force you to breathe properly in order to perform. Proper breathing will also help counter our body's response to stress.

           All things in moderation will prevent damage to our Kidneys. In our modern societies, fear can be a neighbor, especially when you read the papers and watch the news. Fear is very damaging to our Kidneys. A good belief system will help in overcoming fears of modern life. If our kidneys are strong, Fear is not a factor in our lives

                    02/07/01        Suzan Hathaway